About itSMF?

Posted at 2009. 11. 30. 04:31 // in NOTES : 메모/IT Certification : IT자격 // by Kim, Youngjin
About itSMF?

1991년 영국에서 설립된 글로벌 IT Service Management Forum, IT Service Management와 관련되어 유일하게 국제적으로 인정되는 독립조직, 멤버쉽에 의해 운영되는 비영리단체이다.

- 활동 중인 회원사
2007년 현재 전 세계적으로 약 2,500여개의 회원사가 활동 중 (사용자 80%, Vendor 20%)

- 설립된 회원국
전세계 26개국 Local Chapter 구성.
한국, 남아공, 네덜란드, 노르웨이, 뉴질랜드, 덴마크, 독일, 루마니아, 룩셈부르그,멕시코, 미국, 벨기에, 브라질, 스웨덴, 스위스, 싱가포르, 영국, 오스트리아,이탈리아, 일본, 포르투갈, 프랑스 캐나다, 헝가리, 호주, 홍콩

- 진행 중인 회원국
현재 10개국 이상이 Local Chapter 구성 진행 중.
러시아, 말레이시아, 베네주엘라, 스페인, 아일랜드, 인도, 중국, 체코

Welcome to the IT Service Management Forum

The itSMF® is the only truly independent and internationally-recognised forum for IT Service Management professionals worldwide.

This not-for-profit organisation is a prominent player in the on-going development and promotion of IT Service Management "best practice", standards and qualifications and has been since 1991.

As businesses depend more and more on technology to promote and deliver their products to market, so the benefits of adopting "best practice" IT Service Management and of becoming part of the IT Service Management Forum become more apparent.

The itSMF provides an accessible network of industry experts, information sources and events to help you and your staff address IT service management issues and help you achieve the delivery of high quality, consistent IT service internally and externally through the adoption of "best practice".

Globally, the itSMF now boasts over 6000 member companies, blue chip and public sector alike, covering in excess of 70,000 individuals spread over 50+ Chapters.

Each chapter is a separate legal entity and is largely autonomous. There is a separate International entity that provides an overall steering and support function to existing and emerging chapters. It has its own web site - itSMF International website.

What does the itSMF do?

The itSMF is a membership based organisation that provides the perfect environment for gaining knowledge on best practice and the implementation of processes complimenting service management and ITIL theories.

The membership provides events in which the "experts" gather to share their knowledge and give advice on all aspects of Service Management. Regular Regional Group Meetings and Special Interest Groups are free to our members with huge discount on Seminars and the 3 Day Conference to complete the event package.

The itSMF carries out market research giving our members up to date information on the development of the service management arena.

itSMF® is a registered word mark of the IT Service Management Forum Ltd.

'NOTES : 메모 > IT Certification : IT자격' 카테고리의 다른 글

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